The Portland Riverfront Park Labyrinth
The Brownstone Quorum has started preliminary work on the next design component of the Portland Riverfront Park landscape, a forty-foot diameter stone labyrinth.
What is a labyrinth?
A labyrinth construction or symbol could be described as a certain size space (of various shapes – circular, square, octagon, free-form, or pictorial) which is formed by a winding pathway (of various materials – stone, gravel, grass, brick, soil, etc.) of five to eleven circuits which have an outer entrance that leads to a central location. A person who walks from the entrance to the center of the labyrinth then walks the same path back out of it.
There are many different designs of labyrinths, many of which date back 3000 to 4000 years. Examples of labyrinths are found all over the world; many of the most well known examples are found in the ancient gothic cathedrals of France.
Places Labyrinths are Located:
The most well known labyrinth may be in the Cathedral of Chartres, France;
But they are non-denominational and can be found in various other places of worship, as well as hospitals, colleges and universities, wellness and retreat centers, prisons, parks, and private residences.
One of many labyrinth-related websites found on-line is called “The Labyrinth Locator”, which lists locations of labyrinths around the world that have been entered into its’ database.
The following is a breakdown of 50 listed Connecticut locations:
Place of Worship – 20
Private Property – 14
Retreat Center – 5
Spa/Treatment Center – 3
Bed and Breakfast – 2
College/University – 2
Mental Health Center - 1
Farm/Garden – 1
Gallery – 1
Portable – 1
1) Please print letters clearly in the spaces provided on the order form, exactly how you want it to appear on the brick. All engraved text will be automatically centered on the brick.
2) The color of the brick will be similar to brownstone, which will coordinate with the natural stone and pavers to be used in the project.
3) Letter case will be “all caps” in the “Arial” font
4) 4 in x 8 in bricks have up to 3 lines of text, with 20 characters per line. The 20 characters per line include all spaces and punctuation marks. The cost is $100.00.
5) 8 in x 8 in bricks have up to 6 lines of text, with 20 characters per line. The 20 characters per line include all spaces and punctuation marks. The cost is $200.00.
6) Suggestions for inscriptions: Family and business names, commemoration of a special occasion, honor a special person.
7) Return order form with payment (check or M.O.) to address listed on form.
The Brownstone Quorum appreciates your support in this fundraising effort. Your brick will be an integral part of a unique landmark in The Portland Riverfront Park which will attract many local visitors, as well as guests from far and wide.
Portland Riverfront Park Labyrinth
Commemorative Bricks
Order Form Information